CO2 from
the air


Become climate neutral by removing the carbon dioxide you can't cut.

We have several verified methods that remove CO2 from the atmosphere. Together we can change the future for our planet. Join the Removement!

Buy or subscribe to CO2 removal on our platform.

We buy CO2 removal. Verified methods that remove the CO2 from the air and stores it in the Earth.

You get an account at and a certificate for the kg of CO2 removed.

Why Carbon

Our main goal must be to get to zero emissions. But zero is not enough! To have a chance to reach the Paris Agreement goals it’s critical to also remove present and historical emissions. That’s why Carbon Removal is the only approved offsetting method according to Science Based Targets.


75% of your money goes directly to our projects, which capture and store CO2 in the ground or materials


Removal vs.

With traditional offsetting you are trying to avoid dirty emissions that come from burning fossil fuels by replacing dirty energy with clean energy . Carbon Removal actually removes historical and present carbon emissions from the atmosphere.

Carbon removal is the process of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and locking it away for decades, centuries or longer. This could slow, limit or even reverse climate change.

Become a

Join the Removement and contribute to a better tomorrow.


Remove 2000 kg of carbon dioxide per year, equal to the emission of:

taking no flights, heating and lighting your home a year, using only public transport and eating a vegan diet.

9 EUR /month



Remove 3000 kg of carbon dioxide per year, equal to the emission of:

taking two European return flights, eating an average diet and driving an electric hybrid car 15.000 km.

13 EUR /month



Remove 5000 kg of carbon dioxide per year, equal to the emission of:

taking a trans-atlantic flight, heating and lighting your home a year, driving a petrol car 15.000 km and eating an average diet.

20 EUR /month


When you’ve made your purchase you will receive an e-mail with a login to your personal profile where you can follow your impact and the points you’ve collected. You can cancel your subscription at any time. Your card details are not saved with Removement but with our payment provider Stripe. STRIPE

Make a one-off removement

I want to remove

CO2 from the atmosphere

At the price of


 EUR in fees

When you’ve made your purchase you will receive an e-mail with a login to your personal profile where you can follow your impact and the points you’ve collected. You can cancel your subscription at any time. Your card details are not saved with Removement but with our payment provider Stripe. STRIPE

Want to live on a #NetZeroStreet?

I want to remove

CO2 from the atmosphere

At the price of


 SEK i avgifter

When you’ve made your purchase you will receive an e-mail with a login to your personal profile where you can follow your impact and the points you’ve collected. You can cancel your subscription at any time. Your card details are not saved with Removement but with our payment provider Stripe. STRIPE

Partnered with

The Blog



All our carbon removal suppliers go through a detailed process to confirm that their services are truly carbon-negative and that they follow common standards in carbon removal, such as additionality. In assessing this, we analyze the entire lifecycle and require scientific quantification of the removed CO2 and its permanence in storage.

To be sure of the quality of the solution, we also require that each supplier present an independent verification from a 3rd party auditor that the process is indeed net carbon negative as laid out in the application, that the amount of carbon stored is accurately calculated and that the solution shows acceptable permanence with reasonable certainty.

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Removement was founded by us, Cozette, Anders, Linus and Micael. We started our company together because we hoped we would be able to do something in the fight against climate change. We thought we would do it by bringing together cool Carbon Removal solutions, with more people that care about what's happening to our environment. An area that has the tools to save our habitat but has been overlooked by people and businesses.

Experts thought that it would take another 30 years to reach the low prices that we're seeing in solar technology today, but the high demand made the prices drop in a short period of time. We believe that is also the future of Carbon Removal. Join the Removement to make a real impact on the environment and the future of Carbon Removal!

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